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About Me: Page

Our Teachers


Devi Kumar, MS, CMMT, CMT-P

Devi is a certified mindfulness teacher, and has been teaching mindfulness workshops for a variety of audiences within her corporation, local community, libraries and online communities. She was trained by Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach as part of the Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training program offered by Sounds True and UC Berkeley Greater Good Science Center, CA.


Devi received her Mindfulness Teacher - Professional certification (CMT-P) from the International Mindfulness Teachers Association (IMTA). Devi also completed Mindfulness Mentor Training Program (MMTP) taught by Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach: a first-of-its kind professional training program to lead 1-1 mentoring sessions with clients


Devi is trained to teach Search Inside Yourself (SIY), a popular Google inspired mindfulness based Leadership training offered by Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute. Based on Neuroscience and emotional intelligence, SIY educates employees develop mindfulness practice and the leadership skills needed to intensify focus, manage stress, harness creativity, improve resilience and interpersonal relationship skills. 


Devi is a facilitator for the Enterprise Global Mindfulness Program at the Bank and she is also a co-founder of Hopewell based corporate mindfulness program at her workplace where employees have an opportunity to take a pause and come to their Mindfulness "Home" to meditate together as a community. Devi leads and teaches meditation practice sessions and six weeks education series on Mindfulness at her workplace.


Devi has a Master’s degree from University of Pennsylvania and employed full time with Bank of America as an IT director. She currently resides in New Jersey with her family.

About Me: Devi
About Me: Gagan

Gagan Vasudeva, MSW, RSW, CMMT

Gagan Vasudeva is a meditation teacher and has been teaching mindfulness to adults and children for over a decade. She is trained by Jack Kornfield  and Tara Brach for Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program. She is also a Mindfulness based Self-Compassion teacher - a program run by Kristen Neff and Chris Germer


Mindfulness practice is known to help calm down nervous system and fight/ flight/ freeze response, and help us make wise choices using your emotional, mind and body wisdom. When you are connected to your inner wisdom and intelligence, your life becomes healthy and grounded, relationships are more intimate and loving, and quality of life becomes richer.


Truly witnessing your experience with you, practicing with you and supporting others is my life’s work, and I do so with my heart and soul.



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